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Armello Comes to Tabletop, The X-Men Join Dice Throne, and Zombie Superman Wants You DCeased

by W. Eric Martin

• League of Geeks’ Armello video game is being transformed into a tabletop game in — wait for it! — Armello: The Board Game, which publisher King of the Castle Games Company will bring to Kickstarter in Q1 2024.

The game is designed by Rob Heinsoo and developed by Quillsilver Studio, which is led by Brenna Noonan and Dann May, who developed Everdell — another game teeming with anthropomorphic animals in a fantasy world.

Cryptozoic Entertainment plans to release a tenth anniversary edition of Adventure Time Card Wars in 2024 via a Kickstarter campaign in November 2023 for “the ultimate collection and new content that will make you Floop”.

This game series designed by Matt Hyra and Cory Jones launched in 2014 with a Finn vs. Jake two-player game. I published an overview video of this title in January 2014, and with 357,000 views it remains my most viewed video of all time — which is somewhat embarrassing as I had not watched Adventure Time, so I was oblivious to in-jokes and, well, pretty much everything beyond the basics of gameplay. (I’ve now seen a few episodes of the show. It’s fine.)

• To continue the chain of IP-based crowdfunding campaigns, Roxley is expanding its Marvel Dice Throne game line with three new titles from designers Gavan Brown, Nate Chatellier, and Manny Trembley:

Marvel Dice Throne: X-Men, which features eight playable characters: Wolverine, Storm, Cyclops, Rogue, Gambit, Psylocke, Iceman, and Jean Grey

Marvel Dice Throne: Deadpool, which can be used as an expansion for other Dice Throne titles since it contains only the single Deadpool character

Marvel Dice Throne: Missions, a co-operative expansion that allows 1-4 heroes to team up against various Marvel villains.

The Kickstarter campaign that launched today (Oct. 17) has already received more than US$1 million in support, with the titles due out in Q3 2024.

• And to cover the other side of the superhero fence, CMON has been publishing development diaries — part 1, part 2 — from Michael Shinall, designer of the forthcoming DCeased: A Zombicide Game, which will be Kickstarted before too long.

In this game, you will use DC heroes to combat other DC heroes who have become infected by the Anti-Life Virus and want to create havoc in Metropolis.