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SHUX 2023

An important but hopefully understandable update: we won’t be hosting a SHUX event this year. That’s the bad news out of the way – with the GOOD news being that we’re already planning SHUX 2024 for next October, and hoping to return to the Vancouver Convention Centre.

Obviously, this is a bummer. We know how special and important this event is to a lot of people, partly because WE are those people too. It’s our highlight of the year, and as we’ve said repeatedly at the events themselves, we’re amazed and humbled at what SHUX has become – sprawling out to be something that’s bigger and cooler and kinder than any of us.

If you receive and read our monthly newsletter this likely won’t be a surprise: ambitious projects and post-lockdown exhaustion means that 2023 is a rebuilding year for the SU&SD team – after a decade of creating neat stuff at top speed, we’ve needed a little time to get back to the core focus of making lovely and interesting videos about games.

Covid was obviously disastrous for conventions, scuttling plans and erasing entire businesses: thankfully we were able to carry some of the deposits and ticket sales from 2020 forward to SHUX 2022 – but we simply didn’t have the cash in the coffers to sort the down-payments for another show this year.

Again, we’ve been hugely lucky throughout the difficulties the industry has faced in the past few years – but we’d be lying if we said we weren’t hit pretty hard by the covid lockdowns: while “board games” as a concept saw a boom for those with families or folks who lived with like-minded individuals, hobbyist were – in most cases – playing fewer games together, or frustrated by the imperfect digital alternatives.

Add that to times being tougher across the board for everyone, and it’s very understandable that our donations have dwindled – it’s just unfortunate that this coincided with a point of “low batteries” – having just spent a handful of years trying to swivel and pivot our way through a difficult period.

Thankfully though – literally just because of our donors – we’ve been able to hold this ship together, plugging any of the holes with laminated cardboard and mouth-mashed chunks of tiny wooden cubes. And while we’re really sad not to be able to share the joy of SHUX with some of you this year, we’re still emotionally buoyed by the vibes of last year’s convention – honestly, it might have been the best one yet?

A powerful reminder of what life can be like when everything aligns: great people connecting around the squidgy core of this extraordinary hobby – a beacon of laughter and passion and fun after such a long stretch of glum isolation. Our team lost loved ones to the pandemic, as I’m sure is also true for many of you – but as much as the past few years may have changed us, one thing remains the same: life is at its best when we’re surrounded by the folks we love, at a table, staring quizzically at far-too-many cardboard components.

And since we won’t have a chance to see you in Vancouver, we’re doing our DARNDEST to get to more conventions this year. Here’s what we have in the works, we hope to see you there!


UK Games Expo [confirmed!]: Birmingham, England: Jun. 2-4, 2023 – Matt, Tom, and friend-of-the-show Pip will be doing some stupid things live on a stage, and signing your stuff, at some point?  This is the big UK show we try to do every year, and we’re thrilled to be returning. Sadly we won’t be doing “live podcasts” this year because warhammer has probably spend mad $$$$ to turn the room we usually use into laser quest, or something? Honestly we’re not even mad, that’s a glow-up.

Ropecon [confirmed!]: Helsinki, Finland: Jul. 28-30, 2023 – We have been invited to be this year’s guests of honour at Ropecon! Quinns, Tom and Matt will be doing some talks, and likely playing lots of roleplaying games. What else will we being doing there? We don’t know! And legally, WE DON’T HAVE TO TELL YOU. Come and see for yourself, with your eyes!(???).

SPIEL [unconfirmed]: Essen, Germany: Oct. 5-8, 2023 – It doesn’t look like SPIEL really does stage events – or necessarily has any dramatic interest in us BEING there –  but we’re trying to airdrop special-correspondent Tom right into the beating heart of SPIEL.

PAX Unplugged [confirmed!]: Philadelphia, PA: Dec. 2-4, 2023 – We’ve headlined this great show a few times in the past, and we’ll be back again to do COOL STUFF. More details closer to the time!


Obviously – none of the above are SHUX – and we’re really going to miss it – and you! – this year. But here’s to hoping that for October 2024 we can spring back bigger and better than ever. Thank you as always, from the whole team!