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The Binding of Isaac: Four Souls



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  • Players: 2-4
  • Playtime: 30-60 min.
  • Ages: 13+

The Binding of Isaac: Four Souls

Categories ,


The Binding of Isaac: Four Souls is a tabletop card game about sacrifice, betrayal, and hoarding. Inspired by the massive hit video game The Binding of Isaac, the official card game was launched in 2018.

Experience the haunted and harrowing world of The Binding of Isaac: Four Souls yourself in this faithful adaptation. Collect treasure, gather loot, defeat monsters, and be the first to collect four souls. With over 300 cards in the game, there’s a huge amount of replayability. Discover killer combos, enhance your abilities, betray your companions, and win!

Additional information

Weight 1 kg





2, 3, 4

Playing time

20-40 min., 40-60 min.