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Break New Ground in Jump Drive, Snowdonia, IKI, Space Base, and Clans of Caledonia

by W. Eric Martin

Jump Drive: Terminal Velocity is an expansion for Tom Lehmann‘s 2017 card game Jump Drive that’s co-designed by Eric Kaminsky and that features new game cards, optional start worlds and goals, material for a fifth player, and a series of five challenges for solo play.

Publisher Rio Grande Games hasn’t yet announced a release date for this title.

• UK publisher Naylor Games has released only one game to date — 2021’s Magnate: The First City — but owner James Naylor has a multitude of plans, including a Snowdonia Mega Expansion from designer Tony Boydell. Aside from a sign-up form, for now there’s only this teaser:

A very substantial new addition to Tony Boydell’s railway classic Snowdonia. I can’t say too much more for now but I can say it is beyond thrilling to work with Tony to develop this. What we have in store is, in its own way, equal in stature to NSKN’s 2019 Master Set. It is 100% Snowdonia, but it will deepen the experience and push the game into some completely new design space I think the fans will enjoy. We have a duty to a very substantial and loyal fanbase and we will rise to the occasion.

Space Base designer John D. Clair has posted on BGG a print-and-play version of the game’s next expansion, which is currently titled “Genesis”. Should you be willing to print, then play (strictly in that order), I’m sure he’d appreciate your feedback.

• Along the same lines, Clans of Caledonia designer Juma Al-JouJou has announced that an expansion is in the works, and he hopes to set up a digital version of the material so that anyone interested can playtest and offer feedback.

• The English and German retail editions of Grand Austria Hotel: Let’s Waltz! from Virginio Gigli, Simone Luciani, and Lookout Games have started to appear in retail outlets.

• French publisher Sorry We Are French plans to release IKI: Akebono, an expansion for Koota Yamada‘s IKI, in mid-2023. Here’s what’s coming:

IKI: Akebono introduces a new location to discover in Edo: the bridge of Nihonbashi, which expands the main street and offers players new opportunities. Players can stop at the bridge to meet famous personalities from the Edo era (like Hokusai Katsushika, Sanyo Rai or Tokunai Mogami) and to trade with the ships (built by the players) in the river.

The Akebono expansion also adds new character cards, building cards, and new pipe, tobacco, and fish tokens for more strategic depth and decision making.


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