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This July In Shut Up & Sit Down!

Tom: Hello Gamers; big and small and wide and tall. This is going to be a very brief ‘This Month In’ because July is, to quote myself right now, ‘Popping Off’! Let’s GET TO IT!

The big event early this month is that we’ll be spilling every single bean on all our future plans in a summer update video and newsletter. The video itself will give you the rough idea; but if you’re a donor to the site the next newsletter in your inbox will be absolutely rammed with details about all the new plans we’re going to tinker with in the near future.

Videos! We’re actually recording a bunch of reviews for the future, so you might see a small dip in the pace we’ve been setting recently, and a surge of content when the games we’re chatting about actually release. We will have a video very soon, though, for a game you couldn’t possibly predict! We’re also hoping to have recorded a bit of a convention report whilst we’re at RopeCon in Helsinki; so expect no video that week whilst we’re busy getting beaten by the Finns, and a bruised and bloody report soon after.

Podcasts! We’ll be chatting about Golem, we’ll be rambling about My Island, we’ve got further thoughts about Iki, we’ve entered My Gold Mine, we’re taking on the Great Machine, and we’ve… Zoo Vadis’ed? So many games, lots of them good, and we’re jazzed to tell you more about them all. We’re also trying to record more in-person pods – they’re lovely for energy and ease and so I think, perhaps, going back to them might be the way forward.

Streams we’re running will be kept continually pretty chill and inconsistent, as per usual. It’s fun to hang out exactly when I’ve the energy for it, and so far the slightly pottering pace has been perfect!

That’s all for this month! Plenty to come very soon…

What have you been up to, everybody?