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This September in Shut Up & Sit Down!

Tom: September already? Summer literally collapsed in front of my very eyes here in Brighton, where the weather took a harsh left-turn into dribblesville. It’s SAD over here all of a sudden. But I’m HYPE about this month!

Four gleaming-hot videobabies for you to clap your peepers on this month – a cracking vid from Emily about a tiny little eurogame, a soon-to-be-filmed vid from Matt about a much hyped eurogame, and a couple videos from me about small card games – one classic and one brand new. It’s a zero-Quinns month, but his videos are both timed releases for October, so you’ll see more of him there where we’re covering two chunky (and very good!) boxes from Dr Kniz himself.

Podcasts are always a bit of an unpredictable soup based on what we have and haven’t played, but you can expect them to trickle out at their usual pace whilst we work on a few behind-the-scenes bonuses – more on that in our August and September newsletters.

That’s the month! Nice and simple before we hit ‘CHUNKY OCTOBER’ and ‘BIG NOVEMBER’ which are jam-packed with some real cracking titles. 

What have you been up to, everybody?