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Origins Game Fair 2023 Preview Now Live

by W. Eric Martin

I’ve just returned from GAMA Expo 2023, and I’ll post more about the new and upcoming games that I saw at that fair soon. (I’ve already written about new titles from the U.S. branch of AMIGO and some of what Lucky Duck Games is releasing.)

Today, however, I got the Origins Game Fair 2023 Preview up to speed and launched it. Thanks to all the publishers who have completed a survey to tell BGG what you’ll be featuring. If you will be selling new titles or demoing upcoming games at that show and haven’t yet received a survey, please reach out to me at, and I’ll get it to you.

The list is relatively short right now, and only a few publishers that I know of — Hachette, Capstone Games, Obscure Reference Games — have made a point of launching titles at Origins. Maybe others are lurking for now and awaiting shipment updates to know what will be where when. I certainly heard a lot along those lines while at GAMA!

By the way, the promotional image above is one I created for the BGG front page, and it highlights why 2D covers are essential for representative images. If a game lacks a 2D cover, then I can’t even consider it for images like this one. I realize that I beat this drum frequently, but not everyone is around to hear it, so here’s that noise once again…