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Dune: Imperium – Rise of Ix exp.



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  • Players: 1-4
  • Playtime: 60-120 min.
  • Ages: 13+

Dune: Imperium – Rise of Ix exp.


Conflict spreads across the Imperium in Dune: Imperium – Rise of Ix, the first expansion to the award-winning board game.

  • The first expansion for Dune: Imperium, Rise of Ix expands and deepens the thrilling gameplay that has made Dune: Imperium one of the best board games of recent years.
  • Acquire technology for lasting benefits. Dominate the battlefield with mighty dreadnoughts. Outmaneuver your opponents by dispatching infiltrators. Experience the new Epic game mode for a longer, high-stakes challenge. Let your fortunes ascend with the Rise of Ix.
  • The struggle for control of the Imperium continues! Technological innovations from the planet Ix offer strategic advantages to those able to acquire them. The spreading reach of the CHOAM corporation provides trade resources to fuel your rise to power. Familiar strategies take on new dimensions as fearsome warships reshape the conflict on Arrakis. And the leaders of three more Great Houses enter the fray.
  • This is an expansion for Dune Imperium and a copy of Dune Imperium is required to play.
  • Enter the fray as one of three new Great Houses with unique leader abilities.
  • Acquire technological innovations from the planet Ix for a lasting strategic advantage.
  • Deploy fearsome dreadnoughts to rule the skies above Arrakis.
  • Dispatch subtle infiltrators to outmaneuver your opponents.
  • Dominate the Imperium in the new Epic game mode for a more intense, high-stakes challenge.

Additional information

Weight 1 kg





1, 2, 3, 4

Playing time

60-90 min., 90-120 min.