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Skull & Dragon Dice game



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  • Players: 2
  • Playtime: 10 min.
  • Ages: 14+

Skull & Dragon Dice game

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A “push your luck” dice game with players competing over four rounds to score the most points.

The dice are standard 6 sided dice except for the number one on each dice.

One die is the “Skull Die” where the skull equals zero (0).

The other die is the “Dragon Die” where the dragon equals seven (7).

Player begin their turn by rolling a die of their choice. The result can be accepted or the second die can be rolled which will multiply them together. The players then are to decide if they go “over” or “under” the target (the number they just rolled). If the player rolls and the dice match their decision they will receive a point. The new number the player rolled becomes their target and they must stick to their decision of “over” or “under.” Once they choose to stop they score points based on how many rolls matched their target.

Example of play from the rules:

You roll the “skull die” on its own and get a 2. You stop and have your target set to “2.” You state “over” meaning your next roll must be higher. You then roll the dragon dice and get a “4.” Four is over 2 so a point is scored. You already chose “over” and 4 is still a low number so you choose to continue. The dragon die is rolled which is a “3.” You then roll the skull die and get another “3.” You then multiply the two dice making the number “9.” Two points have now been scored. With two dice you should be able to get over “9” so you roll the dragon dice and roll a dragon (7) you then roll the skull dice and get a “6,” six times 7 equals 42 so you have again gotten “over” your target (which was 9) and score a third point. You can choose to stop or continue. If you continue and do not go over your target (now 42) you lose all points gained that turn. If the player chooses to stop they take their 3 points and play passes on.