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Magic The Gathering: Zendikar Rising Draft Boosters Display (MTG)



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  • Magic The Gathering
  • Draft Boosters Display
  • 36 boosters

Magic The Gathering: Zendikar Rising Draft Boosters Display (MTG)

SKU TH-00052 Categories ,


36 boosters in a box

Draft Boosters are pretty much the same as always: the absolute best way to play Limited. Mythic rares drop a bit more frequently this time around, but aside from that, you’re getting what you’re used to: 10 commons, 3 uncommons, 1 rare or mythic rare, 1 full-art basic land, and 1 token/ad card. Around a third of the time, one of the commons will be replaced by a foil of any rarity. It’s also possible that you get a card in a showcase frame, an exciting alternate version of a normal Zendikar Rising card.

Additional information

Weight 1 kg

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